Sunday, December 9, 2007

Speaking Topic: How to Give Yourself a Raise Any Time Your Want

Everyone career professional is expendable. That doesn't mean people cannot make themselves indispensable at work. This "high impact" presentation provides unorthodox, but proven techniques successful people implement to increase their income.
Learn the secrets in securing a steady stream of income, despite current economic conditions.

This presentation is for career professionals who are unsure of the approach in asking for a raise. This presentation is also for people who wish to learn how to create career insurance, so you're never afraid of losing your job.
Strategies will be provided for new and seasoned career professionals to improve the odds of getting a raise, even when a company freezes wages.

By the end of this presentation the audience will learn:

  • Why networking does not work
  • How to become the greatest conversationalist in the world
  • How to make a person remember you
  • How to overcome shyness using the "Law of Attraction"
  • Why timing is crucial to follow up
  • How to work smarter in keeping up with everyone you meet
  • How to remember telephone conversations months or years later
  • The difference and how to leverage the unknown, known and "trusted" networks
  • How to tune into WIIFM for a continuous stream of profitable business opportunities
  • How to develop a "virtual" network using the Internet
  • And many more topics . . .